Monday 16 January 2012


Here are my thumbnails for my International Women's day poster. I decided to use the layout of the artwork I chose that inspired me and change it into a mom (inspired by my mom), and make her a superhero. I feel like mothers should be really noticed on this day because to us (kids) they can take on the world. My mom is a big inspiration to me. She is the strongest woman I know and I look up to her more than anyone in this world. All mother's are inspirations to their children, and they should be noticed for all the amazing things they do!


  1. I like the choice of that TV guide cover for your inspirtaion, Lauren - very appropriate for the concept you have in mind. Now look more closely at why it works so well, compositionally. Notice how Parker cropped the figure in an interesting way, and involved the typographic element - the TV Guide logo - as a component of his picture. Use this kind of observation to improve your own poster composition. As you work on the full size pencil drawing for Monday, re-examine what you have so far in your thumbnails and PUSH the boundaries! Use photo reference to assist you in getting a good likeness of your mom. Don't forget to include three important typographic elements in your design: International Women's Day, your mom's name (or the title "my mom" or some other way of communicating who your subject is) and some secondary type describing why she is important to you. Good work so far - keep going - show us your colour thumbnail explorations - and see you Monday! :^)

  2. Thank you Leif. I picked the TV guide cover because I liked how Al Parker has placed the lady and was going to use that and just make it my mom. I feel like the positioning will allow me to make her into a superhero! I will include all type in my pencil drawing. I will post colour thumbnails as soon as possible. Thanks again, see you monday!
